Breakfast & Lunch at Riverbend Prep.

Riverbend Prep. is pleased to offer free breakfast and lunch to 100% of our students with the help of nutrition one!

Our ability to offer these meals at no cost to our community is based on our parent/guardian's completion of Arizona's Free & Reduced Lunch Application. Each year the school must submit information to the state demonstrating our need to provide free breakfast and lunch to our students.

This data is also used to secure Academic services through Title 1 grant funding; it helps RP hire additional staff, upgrade curriculum, and provide additional services to our students.

Our goal is to have 100% of the RP community complete the Free & Reduced Lunch Application to ensure our school continues to receive these critical services.

Please take a moment to download and complete the application.

Applications may be returned to the Front Office or emailed to

Breakfast at Riverbend Prep.